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Our Guiding Principles 

Be Respectful: We are open to other opinions and emotions, treat each other with respect and care for everyone in our community
Act with Integrity: Be honest, transparent, trustworthy and fair
Be Accountable: Take responsibility for your decisions and interactions
Strive for Excellence: We strive for excellence in all our actions and interactions
Promote Diversity: We embrace our diversity to promote opportunities for growth, learning and innovation
Work Collaboratively: We foster trust, build strong relationships and work together to achieve the best outcomes
Encourage Experimentation: We act with courage, recognizing it’s okay to speak out and take risks to innovate and grow
Distance learning allows you to study wherever you are, arranging your studies around your work or family life. You learn using study materials and online learning resources that are designed for active learning. You can also connect with other students around global via your Virtual Learning Environment.

Distance learning programs are becoming increasingly common in the executive education field. Distance learning programs provide management training that offers the convenience of being able to study at home in front of the computer.

That can be a tempting option if you are a busy executive juggling responsibility at work and home while struggling to find time for professional training. Distance learning programs offer the practical advantages of allowing you to gain knowledge when you want it and where you want it. But there are limits to how far you can go with even well-designed distance learning programs if you are seeking business leadership skills and management skills.

The Internet is revolutionizing the way businesses operate and that's no different for business schools. Developments in information technology are making online learning an integral part of the curriculum.

It is a useful feature that is enabling executives to further their management training with minimal time away from work. But you may be missing out on a lot if you depend on programs offered entirely through online courses.

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Study anywhere
our programs can be fully studied online so you can learn from wherever you are.
Learn at your own pace
you'll have the flexibility to fit your studies around your schedule and work commitments on a part-time or full-time basis.
Value for money
fees for distance learning programs are generally lower than on-campus programs. You will also save on the cost of relocating to London to complete your degree

Our Mission is to provide an excellent academic experience and qualifications for the leaners. Our vision is to become the bearer of change in innovative learning, developing current knowledge, and research for sustainable growth by using highly flexible and quality programs.

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London Qualifications Board (LQB) is a unique learning provider registered with the UK (Registration Number 12418145). London Qualifications Board is located in Hoxton, London, United Kingdom and there are offices in Asia Region.

London Qualifications Board (LQB) is established to provide affordable study programs with highly competitive fee by exclusive online modules for learners to internationally recognized University qualifications. We work collaboratively with our partner universities, institutions and partners to provide great values for learners. London Qualifications Board (LQB) is a primarily distance learning service provider but we have approved learning centres such as college or institution all over the world to offer support for student such as face to face classroom and additional tutoring.

London Qualifications Board (LQB) can give you the support you need to successfully complete recognized qualifications with years of experience in providing high-quality qualifications. LQB qualifications are suited for professionals, students, or anyone with an interest in our specialist areas. You can set your own flexible study through our approved learning centres and registered centres located worldwide.

Move forward in your career and in your life with an online undergraduate or graduate business degree or certificate from London Qualifications Board (LQB). Our business programs are designed to deliver highly applied, career-focused business education to our students, so that they can prepare for leadership roles in complex business environments and make decisions using data-driven approaches.