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Wireless Network Technician (WNT) - Professional Diploma

Professional Diploma in Wireless Network Technician (WNT) is a 100% online Premium Programme on Pedagog, approved and awarded by European International University-Paris. This professional Diploma will help the Wireless Network Technician to enter employment & become a productive member in any part of the networking industry workforce.

5 ( 2 ratings ) 61 students enrolled
Reviewed on 2024-01-11 14:32:59 Last updated on 2025-03-30 04:18:04 English
What I will learn?

    This Professional Diploma can be used as a Stand-Alone ETA Certification or as the Journeyman Option specialty exam for the Certified Electronics Technician, CET. 

    Course Content:

    • Wireless Communication History and Regulation
    • Wired and Wireless Network Architectures
    • Wired and Wireless Network Protocols and Standards Management
    • Wireless Networks
    • Wireless Broadband Networks
    • Network Security
    • Advanced Wireless Systems

    Personalised assignment/case study and multiple-choice questions are utilized throughout the course/programme to measure progress in learning. Such comprehensive assessment procedure is characterized by being diagnostic, formative (intervention-oriented), and summative.

    THE DUAL CERTIFICATE is awarded by EIU-Paris (University) and Pedagog

    Please Note: A Hard Copy of the certificate from the university can be requested at an additional minimal fee, via e-mail to 

    Advance yourself to become a Certified Wireless Network Technician

Lessons for this course
1 Units
  •     Course Outline 1
  •     Chapter-1 Wireless Communication History & Regulation 3
  •     Chapter-2 Wired & Wireless Network Architectures 3
  •     Chapter-3 Wired & Wireless Network Protocols & Standards Management 3
  •     Chapter-4 Wireless Networks 3
  •     Chapter-5 Wireless Broadband Networks 3
  •     Chapter-6 Network Security 3
  •     Chapter-7 Advanced Wireless Systems 3
  •     Quiz 3
  •     Assignment 30
  • Prior comprehension of Radio Frequency (RF) knowledge is suggested, but not mandatory.

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Course Objective
  • This competency listing is an identification of individual topics in which a network professional that is expected to obtain knowledge of the operation and maintenance of wireless networking concepts, RF and IR propagation, and modulation technologies, which apply to all the various specialty areas of the wireless networking industry.
  • This includes basic knowledge of concepts of wireless communication systems and network architecture installation including applications of protocols and standards.
  • This also includes service and skills applicable to all of the functions required to safely and completely install, secure, maintain, troubleshoot, and provide support for wireless networking systems, data communications, and electronic equipment.
  • Prior comprehension of Radio Frequency (RF) knowledge is suggested, but not required. 

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About the institution
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Certification International
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About institution

Certification & Recognition

We are committed to providing industrial certifications that carry significant value in the

global market.


Our certification programs are designed to meet the specific standards of various

sectors, ensuring that the qualifications obtained are not only relevant but also

recognized by industry leaders.


Additionally, we offer services that validate and formally recognize worker

achievements, enhancing their employability and career progression.


Business Physical Address:

2322 Shamrock Rd., Lower Valley

Bodden Town, Grand Cayman  


+1 345 917 3885

Student feedback
Average rating



04:00:00 AM 2024-01-19

Excellent course. It's well-organized and well-presented. Both newer and seasoned wireless engineers will find the videos well worth their time.


Badrick Ewing

08:00:00 PM 2024-01-13

I highly recommend taking wireless networking courses if you want prerequisite knowledge to being able to work on the WiFi networks. This way you don't have to be a script kid when using wireless attack tools.and on the top getting a University Qualification and Certification is amazing, thanks


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  • 1 Units
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