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CCK - M.B.A. OM Module-8: MGT580 Project Management

This hands-on module provides students with the fundamentals associated with project management. Students take a case study through the essentials of a four-phase project planning process, learn about the unique challenges at each stage and see how a project manager’s master of essential knowledge increases the likelihood of project success.

5 ( 1 ratings ) 6 students enrolled
Reviewed on 2021-06-14 16:10:01 Last updated on 2025-02-19 12:54:25 English
What I will learn?

    1. Project Management: An Introduction to the Basics

    2. Key Components of a Project

    3. Organisational Effects and Project Life Cycle

    4. Project Integration Management

    5. Project Scope Management

    6. Time & Project Management

    7. Cost Management

    8. Quality Control of a Project

    9. Risk Management

Lessons for this course
1 Units
  •     MGT580 - Module Synopsis 0
  •     MGT580 - Project Management 0
  •     MGT580 - Project Management in a Complex World 0
  •     MGT580 - Assignment 0
  •     MGT580 - Assignment Submission 0
  • ·      Learners should possess a high level of motivation and self-discipline.

    ·      Learners must possess basic smartphone or computer operating knowledge and skills.

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Course Objective

At the conclusion of the module, the following instructional objectives would be attained.

The student will be able to:

1. Develop an understanding of the project management framework.

2. Organise projects with larger projects.

3. Evaluate how to effectively manage the project.

4. Project completion times.

5. Evaluate the project’s cost.

6. Determine appropriate financing sources for a particular project.

7. Create quality control measures for a given project.

8. Assess projects risk.

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Ceylon Campus
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