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CCK - M.B.A. OM Module-4: MGT540 Marketing Management

Marketing Management is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value. Marketing management seeks to meet organisational objectives by effectively satisfying customer in a dynamic environment.

5 ( 4 ratings ) 45 students enrolled
Reviewed on 2021-06-13 15:20:16 Last updated on 2025-02-19 11:15:47 English
What I will learn?

    1.    What is Marketing

    2.    Marketing Basics and General Concepts

    3.    Public Relations and Marketing

    4.    Marketing Procedures

    5.    Understanding the Buyer

    6.    Marketing Targets, Segments and Positioning

Lessons for this course
1 Units
  •     MGT540 - Module Synopsis 0
  •     MGT540 - Strategic Marketing 0
  •     MGT540 - Marketing 0
  •     MGT540 - Assignment 0
  •     MGT540 - Assignment Submission 0
  • ·      Learners should possess a high level of motivation and self-discipline.

    ·      Learners must possess basic smartphone or computer operating knowledge and skills.

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Course Objective

At the conclusion of the module, the following instructional objectives would be attained.

The student will be able to:

1.    Assess the target market.

2.    Create a marketing plan for a corporation.

3.    Apply marketing strategies to gain more market shares.

4.    Manage a company’s public relations platforms.

5.    Analyse target markets for a company.

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Ceylon Campus
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