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CCK - B.B.A. (Top-Up) TTM Module-1: TTM310 Sustainable Tourism

In the 21st century consumers are becoming more aware of the impact that an industry may have on the environment. It is therefore even more important that a recreational trip by a consumer causes very little harm to the environment as well as supports the destination’s local culture. A sustainable tour must fulfill the visitor travel thirst while keeping the local community intact and without harming the bio diversity of the area. This module will give learners a better insight into the complexities of creating and hosting sustainable tours.

0 ( 0 ratings ) 72 students enrolled
Reviewed on 2021-05-19 17:44:51 Last updated on 2024-10-05 17:48:47 English
What I will learn?

    1. Introduction to Sustainable Tourism

    2. Sustainable Tourism and the Environment

    3. Sustainable Tourism and Social Consciousness

    4. Meeting the Sustainable Tourist

    5. Sustainable, Budgets, and Tourism

    6. Sustainable Tourism Sites

Lessons for this course
1 Units
  •     TTM310 Sustainable Tourism Outline 0
  •     Introduction-Sustainable Tourism 0
  •     TTM310 Sustainable Tourism - Assessment 0
  •     TTM310 Sustainable Tourism Assignment Submission 0
  • ·     Learners should possess a high level of motivation and self-discipline.

    ·     Learners must possess basic smartphone or computer operating knowledge and skills.

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Course Objective

After completing this module learners will be able to:

1. Define sustainable tourism terms

2. Discuss sustainable tourism issues

3. Match a suitable destination to a consumer’s needs

4. Determine suitable sustainable tours sites

5. Construct sustainable tourism itinerary

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Ceylon Campus
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