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CCK - B.B.A. (Top-Up) HHM Module-6: HHM360 Hotel Financial Management

An important part of running a hotel is monitoring the financial health of the hotel. This module will help learners gain the necessary skills to analyze financial statements and begin to understand how to make sound financial plans and decisions for a hotel. This module also focuses on loan repayment and reliable financial indicators that examine the finances of a hotel.

0 ( 0 ratings ) 42 students enrolled
Reviewed on 2021-05-19 11:17:30 Last updated on 2025-02-19 10:53:45 English
What I will learn?

    1. Introduction to Hotel Financial Management

    2. Loan Repayment

    3. Interest Rates

    4. Coupons and Bonds

    5. Financial Statement

    6. Financial Health of a Company

Lessons for this course
1 Units
  •     HHM360 Hotel Financial Mangement Outline 0
  •     Principles of Managerial Finance by Gitman 0
  •     Bonds 0
  •     HHM360 Hotel Financial Management - Assessment 0
  •     HHM360 Hotel Financial Management - Assignment Submission 0
  • ·     Learners should possess a high level of motivation and self-discipline.

    ·     Learners must possess basic smartphone or computer operating knowledge and skills.

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Course Objective

After completing this module learners will be able to:

1. Describe hotel financial terms

2. Solve basic financial problems

3. Estimate loan repayment

4. Analyze hotel financial statements

5. Judge the financial health of a hotel

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Ceylon Campus
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