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CCK - B.B.A. (Top-Up) HHM Module -1: HHM310 Housekeeping Management

The Housekeeping division of a hotel is an integral part of hotel management, and is responsible for the hotel running smoothly behinds the scenes, and staying clean. This course will give a student an understanding of the responsibilities of managing the housekeeping division, inventory management, and cleaning procedures.

0 ( 0 ratings ) 92 students enrolled
Reviewed on 2021-05-18 17:34:31 Last updated on 2025-02-19 11:10:30 English
What I will learn?

    1. Introduction to Housekeeping Management

    2. HR and Housekeeping Management

    3. Housekeeping and Inventory Management

    4. Housekeeping and Sustainable Cleaning Practices

    5. Housekeeping and Back-Office activities.

Lessons for this course
1 Units
  •     HHM310 Housekeeping Management Outline 0
  •     The Hotel Housekeeping Daily Routine of Department Management 0
  •     HHM310 Housekeeping Management - Assessment 0
  •     HHM310 Housekeeping Management - Assignment Submission 0
  • ·     Learners should possess a high level of motivation and self-discipline.

    ·     Learners must possess basic smartphone or computer operating knowledge and skills.

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Course Objective

After completing this module learners will be able to:

1. Define housekeeping management terms

2. Discuss sustainable cleaning practices

3. Examine housekeeping HR needs

4. Assess housekeeping inventory demands

5. Critique housekeeping management practices

6. Develop a housekeeping staff retention analysis

About the institution
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Ceylon Campus
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